
Learning together for a better tomorrow.

Our aim as a school is to develop creative and curious individuals who change and shape the world of today and tomorrow, with respect and understanding for each other and the world around them. Through our learning, we work together to achieve this aim with enjoyment and pride in our achievements.

Our Curriculum Intent:

Our Curriculum Implementation:

The curriculum at Boorley Park is divided into three stages:

• Early Years Foundation Stage from ages 0-5 (Year R)
• Key Stage 1 (Years 1-2) from ages 5-7
• Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) from ages 7-11

We teach and learn at our school in discrete subjects (e.g. history, geography, music), rather than adopting a theme or topic approach. This means that the teaching and learning in all subjects is high quality and carefully planned to enable children to build on previous learning and acquire new skills and knowledge. 

Each unit of work has an enquiry question that the children work towards answering through their learning. These are enquries such as:

For each year group, we identify the core knowledge that children need to learn in each subject and the associated skills they need to be taught and then apply to be effective learners. These are the building blocks for the units of work we teach.

Our curriculum is rich and deep, allowing children time to explore ideas and drive their own learning by planning their own enquiries. 

As a brand new school, we have had a unique opportunity to shape our curriculum as the school grows drawing on the interest and expertise of those around us. As part of the RAISE Education Trust, we are also able to draw on a wide range of knowledge, skills and understanding from other members of our community to further enhance our learning.

Our lessons are planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every child achieving and our teachers take into account the needs of every child in their planning.

Year 1 Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Year 4 Curriculum Overview