Prospective Parents

Choosing the right school for your child is so important and we know it can often feel like quite an overwhelming decision to make. We hope that the information on this page, and the rest of the website, gives you a flavour of life at Boorley Park. 

Please see the information on this page where you can find our school prospectus and a video tour, along with frequently asked questions for parents new to school. We hope that this is helpful and if you have any questions please email us on and one of the team would be delighted to help. We appreciate that this is a very important decision to make as a parent so please let us know if we can help in anyway.

Frequently asked questions

What time do children start and finish school?

Drop off between 8.45am and 8.55am and collection at 3:15pm.

How many Reception classes does Boorley have?

We have two classes, Ladybird and Butterfly. Each Reception class has a teacher and a support member of staff. Although the children are based in one class they can move between both and they share an outside area too.

What are the school uniform requirements?

Please have a click here for the full details. We try hard to make the uniform as family friendly as possible.  We do not require children to wear crested uniform and usually suggest that if you do want to buy the crested items you purchase one of each, especially for photo day! We do have a second hand rail of pre-loved uniform.

How does lunchtime work?

Children can choose to bring a packed lunch from home or have a meal from our school kitchen. Currently Reception to Year 2 all receive free school meals and so we suggest that you take this option up, however the choice is yours. If your child is having a school meal, you can order them through ParentPay in advance. Our menus are on our website here

The children eat in the hall altogether. School staff supervise them so that they have a familiar adult with them at all times. If a child hasn't eaten very much or we can see a pattern forming their teacher will contact you.

Do you cater for children with allergies or dietary requirements?

Just before your child starts school with us, you will receive a data collection form with a space for you to indicate that your child has a particular dietary requirement. The office or chef will then contact you to collect more information. Once we have your child's details a photo of your child and their specific requirements is put up in the kitchen for the kitchen staff to see. The kitchen can cater for all allergies and dietary requirements. If you have a specific concern or query surrounding this please contact the school office who can arrange for you to speak to the chef.

My child has a medical need. Can you accommodate them?

We will ask you to fill out a medical form so that we can gain a better understanding of your child's needs. We then ensure that staff working with your child understand what your child needs. For more complex health needs we will work with you to draw up a full medical health plan. If you have a specific concern or query surrounding this please contact Mrs Batchelor in the school office and she will happily talk you through the process and answer any questions.

How many times a year would we get formal feedback regarding our child?

Our usual pattern is to have a formal parent's evening in Autumn and Spring and a written annual report in the Summer with the option to have a meeting after the report has been issued.

As a school we are very open and would always encourage you to raise any concerns or queries that you may have in relation to your child ASAP. 

In Year R, we use Tapestry to share key updates on learning. In KS1 and KS2 we use SeeSaw to share the children's learning.

Do you have staff who can support the children with anxiety or other worries?

At Boorley Park we have a fantastic team of staff who are committed to supporting children in every aspect of school life. They support children in school but also take time to support you as a whole family. There are many ways they offer support including working with your child, offering parents advice and signposting, supporting with a food parcel, just lending a listening ear and so much more. 

What wrap around care do you offer?

Breakfast Club: 7:30am - 8:45am, £4.50 per morning (£3.50 for any siblings attending the same session). Breakfast is provided.

Early Years After School Club: 3:15pm - 6pm, £9 per afternoon (£8 for any siblings attending the same session). A light tea is provided.

For more information please click here

When do children start in September and are they part time or full time?

Reception children start during the middle of the second week of term, following 1:1 meetings with the teacher. Half of each class does a full day on Wednesday or Thursday and then all children are in for the full day together on the Friday. 

You can view our prospectus here.

You can also see our Virtual Tour below: