Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Introduced in April 2011, the pupil premium grant is additional government funding for publicly funded schools in England. It aims to support schools to improve outcomes of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers across the country.

In 2022/23, the Government has allocated pupil premium funding for:

*To check if your child is eligible for free school meals, visit www3.hants.gov.uk/caterers/hc3s-freeschoolmeals and click on “I would like to check for free school meal eligibility”. You will be asked to input your national insurance number and date of birth. If you require further assistance, please speak to a member of staff in the school office who will be happy to help you.

Our philosophy

At Boorley Park Primary School we value the abilities and achievements of all pupils, and are committed to providing each pupil with the best possible environment for learning. We recognise that each child is unique and will have different needs, which may well vary throughout their time in the school. We have planned to spend our Pupil Premium funding to try to give them all the support that they need. We believe in maximising the use of the pupil premium grant (PPG) by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the School Improvement Priorities. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long-term interventions, and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.

Overcoming barriers to learning is at the heart of our PPG use. We understand that needs and costs will differ depending on the barriers to learning being addressed. As such, we do not automatically allocate personal budgets per pupil in receipt of the PPG. Instead, we identify the barrier to be addressed and the interventions required, whether in small groups, large groups, the whole school or as individuals, and allocate a budget accordingly.

Our priorities

Setting priorities is key to maximising the use of the PPG. Our priorities are as follows:

All Boorley Park School Pupil Premium Policy can be found HERE

All Raise Education Trust Policies can be found HERE

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2027