British Values
This statement has been produced and agreed to make clear Raise Education Trust’s legal duties as described in the Statutory Instrument, ‘The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014’ and in response to the DfE published guidance on promoting British values.
Raise Education Trust schools have a statutory duty to promote British values and will:
- Ensure a clear strategy for embedding fundamental British values in pupils and show how this is done effectively.
- Challenge opinions or behaviours in schools that are contrary to fundamental British values.
The schools will actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as set out in Part 2 of The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014. It has also been produced with regard to the Home Office’s Prevent Strategy.
The Statement will be reviewed annually and/or in accordance with any statutory law and the Governance Handbook.
The School will;
- Include in suitable parts of the curriculum, as appropriate for the age of the pupils, material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries.
- Enable pupils to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in Britain.
- Ensure all pupils within the school have a voice (via the School Council) and are listened to; and we will demonstrate how a democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes, such as annual elections of House Captains and Vice House Captains.
- Consider the role of extra-curricular activities, including any run directly by pupils, in promoting fundamental British values.
- Encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and society more widely.
- Use teaching resources from a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths.
Our aims and ethos, as stated on the school website, underpin and fundamentally represent these values.
Specifically the ways in which we do this at Boorley Park Primary School are;
How we promote this
- Encouraging leadership at all levels within the school.
- Demonstrating how a democracy works through holding elections in each class for school councilors to represent the class on the school council (and other councils such as learning council and eco council as the school grows).
- Democratic elections for House captains and other positions of responsibility (e.g. librarian, sports leaders) as the school grows.
- Teaching about democracy through specific lessons (e.g. PSHE; the Ancient Greeks in History).
- Assemblies and themed events focusing on key aspects of British democracy (e.g. linked to local and national elections) and on key figures from British History.
- Consultation and involvement of pupils in reviewing key aspects of school life that have a significant impact on them (e.g. the behavior and rewards policy).
- Pupils can nominate their peers to receive stickers and awards in recognition of demonstrating our core values.
- Involvement of our pupils within the wider community – e.g. involvement in competitions, events and consultations with the local and parish council on issues that may affect them.
The rule of law
- The school’s behavior policy is clearly linked to the school values. Pupils are involved in reviewing the rules and routines around the school. They are taught to understand the importance of following rules and the reasons why there are rules and laws.
- Each class writes their own ‘class charter’ each year, linked to the school values’
- There is a clear strategy of rewarding those who follow school rules and a focus on positive behavior management strategies to encourage all pupils to be part of a positive community.
- The ‘Rights Respecting’ ethos is a significant part of the Wildern Academy Trust and Boorley Park Primary School is working towards achieving this status.
- Texts are used (both in English, the wider curriculum and in reading for pleasure) where characters break rules or laws. The impact of these decisions are explored through drama, role play and discussion.
- Pupils understand the role of law enforcement agencies within the country and professionals who work in these jobs (e.g. PCSOs/police officers, magistrates) are invited into school to discuss their roles with the pupils.
Individual Liberty
- Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, including e-safety. This is done throughout the whole curriculum which also includes visits from external agencies such as the NSPCC.
- Pupils are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration through the school values and PSHE curriculum. They are encouraged to take opportunities to follow their interests in art, music, sport, engineering etc.
- The school has specific focused activities and theme days which address aspects of Individual Liberty, for example, our annual Anti-Bullying week.
- The programme of Collective Worship focusses on individuals who have played a significant part in challenging injustice and inequality. (E.g. William Wilberforce; Nelson Mandela; the Suffragettes; Martin Luther-King).
- Topics within the curriculum also focus on specific aspects of individual liberty e.g. Ancient Greek and Egyptian societies, gender equality in the past and present, the impact of Tudor exploration on other countries.
Mutual Respect
- Respect is a core value of the school and is promoted and celebrated at all opportunities. This is reflected in our behaviour policy.
- All pupils learn that their behaviour and attitude have an effect on their own rights and those of others.
- All members of the school community are expected to treat each other with respect and this is reiterated through our teaching and learning environment.
- Assembly themes regularly link to aspects of respect, explored through the use of stories, current and past news items and life stories of key figures (both past and present).
- There are high expectations for all pupils on how they conduct themselves.
- Lessons include opportunities and activities for pupils to be taught how to work together collaboratively and co-operatively with further opportunities for them to apply these skills.
- Older pupils act as mentors for younger members of the school community in modelling mutual respect.
- The literature read across the curriculum exposes pupils to individuals from different cultures, faiths and with different experiences to their own. They are encouraged to explore how these views are similar and different to their own and understand the importance of respecting and celebrating difference.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
- The curriculum explores the cultural diversity within the local community and in the United Kingdom as a whole, allowing pupils to understand the differing beliefs that others may hold.
- Pupils are taught to discuss and debate key issues, while remaining mindful and tolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others.
- The RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
- Pupils are encouraged to find similarities and differences between themselves and others and understand why these exist.
- Pupils are taught to be curious and are encouraged to ask questions to find out more about the world around them.
- Trips and visitors are planned to ensure pupils have first-hand experiences of the world around them, receiving accurate and relevant information from which they can make up their own minds about what they believe.
All Boorley Park School Policies can be found HERE
All RAISE Education Trust Policies can be found HERE